When the Veils Begin to Part: The 32-34 Week Opening
There’s a point around 32-34 weeks of pregnancy when a person has an almost-sudden realization that they are going to give birth, and relatively soon.
Often there’s a sense of not feeling prepared or ready--which makes sense because really in the most physiological aspect you are *not* ready...yet. Your baby still has lots of growing + developing to do, your uterus doesn’t have its requisite number of oxytocin receptors prepared, and your hormonal matrix just. Isn’t. There. Yet.
But what I have also observed is that there is a significant component to this sense of not-quite-readiness for what is impending that is very much spiritual + emotional in nature.
This is the time in pregnancy when we feel the veils start to thin and brainwave patterns change, as we are being pulled inch-by-inch to a beckoning, dark HUGENESS that feels familiar and chock full of the Unknown all at the same time.
This is the Great Mystery opening itself...preparing to swallow us whole and digest us into something entirely ancient + new. A call from The Mother of Us All to melt into the first layer of surrender. To meet the fear where it is and feel it deeply. To stare into the deep belly of Death and Birth... it is only one portal.
This particular fear isn’t a sign of something wrong, or something we need to fix. It is a fear to be respected, to be held as sacred. This is the feeling that begins to change our molecular makeup, if we let it. This feeling of vast proportion starts to prepare us for the great initiation ahead of us, if we let it.
Too often, this sacred fear is projected outwards, and back at us again. In the mainstream model of care someone may feel this, and be terrified by it, think something is wrong, or something they need to fix immediately....Which feeds perfectly into the cascade of obsessive checking, assessing, testing that this last phase of pregnancy often includes.
Both the pregnant person and the mainstream care provider feel the Great Mystery beginning to open, even if subconsciously, and then desperately try to exert the illusion of will, management, risk-assessment, and control all over this big feeling that is simply meant to be embraced and integrated fully, with honor and reverence instead of panic and interference.
So how can we do this differently? Recognize this feeling for what it is. Speak it out loud to someone wise. Embrace, soften. Of course, do what you need to to process any true fears coming through, but be discerning in that undertaking and notice if your mind is spiraling only because it is about to enter the Cosmic Birth Canal. Then let it all be.
People support pregnant folks in this portal: It is your very important job to help normalize this feeling, to support your people in **seeing** what it is, to reflect with them in their discernment process, and witness them in their transformation. Most of all, it is our job to manage our energy (as Whapio would say), to not project our unprocessed fear of the Unknown onto them. It is violence, no matter how “subtle”, to do otherwise.
Wishing you all ease and peace as we are collectively drawn towards the darkness of Solstice by the Crone herself. This is a time of profound magic if we can slow down with it.