If you’ve found your way here, it’s probably because you are looking for something different for your pregnancy + birth experience, something the world maybe told you doesn’t exist, or isn’t possible.
Guess what, love? If your heart and your womb are longing for it, life can deliver.
The people who grow and birth their babies with the support of Powerhouse Birth are those who want to truly be FREE in every area of their lives, including in pregnancy + birth. They are the people who listen deep inside themselves and know that another way is possible, a way where they are the absolute authority of their experience, and refuse to submit that authority to a doctor, midwife, protocol, or regulation at the detriment to what their own body and baby are telling them.
Powerhouse Birth is the place for those who want to become even more profoundly connected with the innate wisdom of their physiology, and the ancient insight that lives in their DNA. Those that want to consciously wield full responsibility in their pregnancies, births, and in their everyday earth-walk.
If you are ready, we are here for you.
We believe that pregnancy and birth are normal physiological processes that are best left undisturbed, and rarely need medicalized assistance. We believe our bodies carry an undeniable, inherent brilliance, and that our ability to grow, birth, and nurture our babies is literally in our DNA. We believe in the miraculous balance of the sacred and scientific in pregnancy and birth, acknowledging fully that one is truly in service to the expression of the other. As my teacher Whapio says, our intelligence is undergirded with mysticism, and our mysticism is undergirded with intelligence. It is important to us that both of these intertwining pillars, the sacred and scientific, are thoroughly explored with our clients during their complete course of support.
We believe that the ideas of “risk” and “safety” are abstracted concepts that may or may not hold any bearing regarding any individual’s birth experience. We strongly believe that it is up to each unique pregnant/birthing person to determine their own risk + benefits in any decision they make. While we believe that birthing autonomously and instinctually generally provides the highest degree of “safety” for most humans, we also acknowledge that life itself is “risky” and that we cannot sanitize the risk from our lives even if we tried…no matter where or with whom we choose to birth.
We believe that our relationship to our bodies, including the way we relate with food, can significantly affect our pregnancies and births. For this reason, doing a deep dive into food and body liberation is a keystone to the care provided to our clients. We offer a perspective rooted in Intuitive Eating, Health-At-Every-Size (HAES), and Fat Liberation.
In order to best serve our clients and the wisdom of their physiology, it is imperative to us that they are always “at the center of their spiral”, meaning they have FULL autonomy at every turn and decision point of their process. There is no one telling them what to do or what to think. We believe it is our job to always assist the people we serve to turn inwards to their center to find their truth and their voice. The preservation of our clients’ autonomy is our highest objective.
The model of care we engage in is relationship-based, with the depth of intimacy and honesty between ourselves and our clients informing both the direction and quality of support provided. We don’t want to be strangers or acquaintances entering your holy birthing space. We want to truly be kin to you, as we form strong bonds of community that live on far past our last postpartum support visit.
We believe that birth is medicine, no matter what way it goes, even if it takes years or lifetimes to digest. Birth can be a portal to the most profound transformation humans have access to. We birth how we live, but we also live how we birth. Your birth will change your life…What kind of change are you looking for?
If you’ve read this far and have found your heart + womb fluttering, we may jive together!
Here are some additional criteria to help determine if we are a match:
Do you want a homebirth? We do not attend/virtually support planned hospital or birth center births (except for some special and extenuating circumstances).
Do you want a midwife that is loyal to YOU and ONLY YOU, that is not allegiant to laws, regulations, and protocols that can (and often will) disrupt your instinctual birth? We are not licensed/regulated, and do not attend/virtually support homebirths alongside regulated providers, so our only allegiance is to our relationship with YOU.
Do you want to take TOTAL responsibility for your pregnancy and birth? We want you to keep all of your power! We are not here to tell you what to do, just to support you with love, consultation, skill, and witnessing as you walk your journey.
Are you prepared (even if nervous or a little jittery) to do the deep inner work and excavation of carving an autonomous path? We acknowledge that many people love the idea of a powerful, autonomous birth where they are the TOTAL director of their experience, but when it comes right down to it, folks sometimes aren’t aware of the soul-shaking, life-transforming WORK it takes to get to that outcome. We are here to align and shake it with the ones who are down to get muddy.
If this way of being resonates with you, we would love to schedule a tea date/free consultation to get to know you, share more about what we do, and answer any questions you may have (click button below). Consults are available in-person for those local to Northern Arizona, or through Zoom for those who would like to meet remotely—just make sure to choose the applicable option when scheduling.
We can’t wait to connect with you!
Annika and the Team <333