What Does It Really Mean To Be Autonomous?
Autonomous does not necessarily equal Alone + Unsupported.
Not in pregnancy, birth, parenthood, or life.
This is a huge misconception in the birth world, and its rampancy perpetuates confusion in all kinds of birthers, from elective hospital to freebirth.
BUT, Aloneness *is* a powerful medicine that allows us to deepen into the spectrum of autonomy by going alllllll the way in through the chaos and the ringing stillness....
What does it really mean to be Autonomous, anyway?
Autonomous literally means “self law,” having one’s own laws... To fully embody our own divine commandments, to bind ourselves to right relationship with our core values.
And to BE in right relationship with our core values we must actually know what those are, and do the extensive inner deconstruction + shedding + rebuilding to live that actualization fully.
This Work *does* necessitate a dirt-caked descent into our innermost crevices, where no one but Goddess herSelf can reach us.
We have to be willing to go *there*, where the sun doesn’t shine (yet), where we feel utterly alone and the responsibility feels crushing.
This is where the Gifts are buried.
It is in this place where we gather the tools to increase our capacity to get uncomfortable, to feel, to discern, and to integrate—the tools we will need through our pregnancy, our birth, and our journey through Parenthood.
How honest can we be?
How can we learn to hold such clear vision in our bones that we are able to walk freely while blindedfolded in every sense?
It is the time to take an unrelenting, scathingly true inventory of every pixel that constitutes our being.
This is no one’s job but yours, and there is no one better or more equipped to do it than you.
ALL this being said, to find the right Witness for your downward climb is a great blessing, and honestly how I believe it was meant to be done.
The Witness who holds the same values, who knows the next question to ask, the right moment to present a confronting mirror, and when a loving word or touch is needed.
To call in this humble, honest Witness, you must hold a cord of humility and honesty already within yourself—the work before the Work.
Choose your support wisely, as some may not hold your same values, your same origin story.
Some may present themselves as one thing but actually hold allegiance to some false entity outside of themselves and you (ex. Licensing, protocols, regulations). This is where the gifts of discernment and sharp boundaries activate further.
Do not compromise. Be humble, yet fierce.
Discover who you are and what you want.
And shed anything and anyone who is not exactly THAT, for as you do so your divinely correct support will appear.