We Birth How We Live

We Birth How We Live

“We birth how we live.” I don’t know exactly how this shows up for each + every individual, but I believe and have seen it to be true.

This doesn’t mean I’m judgmental. It means I’m observant.

Birth is not some separate vacuum within our lives that can be fragmented piecemeal from what we believe about EVERYTHING and how we embody and live those beliefs.

Birth is a rite of passage that is inset into a long story arch of other rites that begin from the moment we are born and go until the day we die. To ignore this initiation’s connections to and effects on the full experience of our lives is foolish.

Birth is also the gateway to our Motherhood/Parenthood.
To say that the way we Birth doesn’t affect our journey into and through Motherhood/Parenthood is naive at best and gaslighting and damaging at worse.

I am here to support those who walk this path with eyes, ears, and hearts wide open, who are ready to question everything and dive deeply into themselves. Because the way we give birth matters, for our Motherhood/Parenthood, for our children, and for the future of our species.

The Work

The Work