Note/Background: Salicia (Jésus’ mama) is beyond inspirational and despite being deemed “high-risk” by almost everyone she talked to due to severe endometriosis, a uterine septum, partial placenta previa then low-lying placenta, suspected POTS, and true anemia, she relied heavily on her faith and instinctual knowing that all would be well. And she was right.
“Sunday- I had turned 38 weeks gestation.
Tuesday morning about 7am, I began to lose bits of mucus plug and had some bloody show both Tuesday and Wednesday throughout the day. It's interesting because I had dreamt that morning I would start losing mucus and having bloody show.
I was having more consistent Braxton hicks sensations but nothing else labor- like to report.
Tuesday I was also getting noticeably "antsy" about the nursery and the house needing clean and organized and when that was resolved by a couple amazing friends, I was able to rest and relax completely.
Wednesday morning about 730am, pretty low mild period cramp feelings that were mostly random and scattered across the day. I hydrated much more and kept doing salt shots, eating more protein more consistently and thought it would help calm them down and for the most part it did!
Thursday morning about 9am I was having back-to-back stronger Braxton hicks and low crampy sensations and super tired. I remember dreaming of the ocean surging in a cave by the beach. Lost more mucus plug and it was blood tinged as well so I figured we were kinda just doing this prodromal labor thing at this point and this would last a week or something...
Then I started feeling I'm having a ton of pain and sensations in my lower back just not able to get comfortable at all, this lasted for hours and I was just trying to rest when I could since my body obviously was needing rest and preparing for what we thought would be a long labor.
That morning I also decided I was starting to "feel different in a way I can't explain."
I also logged that: “baby is kicking and moving way stronger too. Every movement sends me into a Braxton hicks and knocks the breath out of me.”
I had several strong surges right after the other about a minute each, maybe 3 minutes apart, all mostly Braxton hicks which calmed down finally after an hour long warm bath.
And I could not stop peeing! It was round the clock, almost literally every 5 minutes, every 2 or 3 minutes even, and it was SO annoying!
Around noon I started having a lot more low Braxton hicks that were not timeable really. Towards evening, I had been having all day cramps pretty much consistently below my belly but up from the vagina, or having the odd vagina cramp too (lightning crotch), cramps that were starting to get more uncomfortable but not timeable. I had logged also " its like crawling cramps? like crawls up, and then my belly goes through the Braxton hicks last." I timed some sensations and saw they were about a minute and some change each like 3-5 minutes apart and not really consistent. Most of the time they felt slightly stronger than period cramp pain and I began to basically brace for them as if I was on my period. I had to remind myself THIS pain has a purpose, and I could ride the wave of this particular pain because it will bring my baby to me. The only thing to again calm these sensations was an hour long warm bath.
Friday early morning like 4am, lost more bloody show, barely a tsp of anything. Thus far I probably had lost about a ½ tbsp of bloody show. I also began leaking some amniotic fluid probably beginning late previous night and into morning. It was clear and sweet- smelling which was my best indication, so I felt like we were getting close for sure, to actual labor.
I felt it's getting harder to do things for myself, like I'm more focused on when the sensations come and whatnot and knew I didn't want Jes going to work the following day since he had a closing shift and I was starting to feel like I really needed him home. I just couldn't explain why.
Around 9am I woke up again to stronger recurrent sensations along with baby moving strong and more than ever.
When a surge began it started to be felt more in my back as well and that was dreadful. I now recognize that feeling as baby turning/ adjusting position and stuff preparing for labor and birth.
Around 7pm I had just woke up again
and had the mosssttttt pressure right at the front of my pelvis
like I can barely move on my own. Wasn't a contraction either
and my belly felt like it's hanging way lower too.
Around 8-9pm, my fiancé and I tested the birth pool and finished decorating the birth space! It was perfect 🥰 I also was at a point where I couldn't tell if I was peeing more often or just leaking more fluid which was wild.
I thought for sure, baby boy is coming Sunday.
Id have very random strong surges but they do usually pick up more at night so I was kinda anticipating that this night if anything.
Around 1030pm, my water broke! Audible pop and serious gushes of wonderful clear baby waters! So glad for no mec! I had no contractions or strong strong surges yet, but they did begin to pick up.
Saturday now, midnight, I was having stronger and stronger surges. Jes was timing them for me and we were preparing to watch TV and settle for bed. They were anywhere from a minute to 3 or 4 minutes apart super random, and all about a minute or minute and a half long.
1am, they're coming frequently almost back to back and I have to vocalize through them. Annika called me and listened to me through one of the contractions I had and I decided a shower could help since I can't take baths right now with my waters open.
I labored in the shower with the hot water on my back for at least 20 or 30 minutes and Jes began inflating and filling the pool at that point.
The hot water was amazing on my back, but I definitely felt like I was clinging on the stool for dear life through each contraction.
Baby was doing fine kicking along and moving about.
At this point Annika was on her way like 130am and arrived probably 20 minutes or so. Pool was ready and I was dying to get in it so when she walked in I pretty much asked if it was time and she okayed it for me when I felt unsure, so bam, pool labor began.
Each contraction rushed upon me like big ocean waves and I labored hard on my knees and shins, grateful for the padded support beneath the pool floor. I rocked through them with Jes through every surge and crash as they continued to pick up strength. I clung to the sides of the pool and primally belted, grunted, growled and howled my throat raw through some of the worst ones, knowing I JUST needed to be able to get through a minute of this sensation. I told myself it was just a minute and I would pray hard to get through it.
Jes was my main support at this point, holding onto me and whispering affirmations in my ear, holding space for me and keeping me grounded when I went up to the stars to bring our baby earthside. He cried, rushed and soared with me through every sensation. I just remember continually coming down from a wave and looking around for support, and I just needed to lean into Jes and I don't believe I could have continued on without him. At one point after some serious pushing, I sat up and threw up all over the floor and into a bucket Jes rushed to me. It felt powerful...the energy was rising and I didn't know how to keep it down, I didn't even imagine we were close. It must've been about 230-245am at this time.
I kept reaching down to check if I was dilated, and I just couldn't tell really so I gave that up and continued to trust my body and trust the surges that were helping bring my baby to me. There was a pause after that...a very slight one, but one I held onto, and I looked around at my birth team, and looked at our space and affirmations I had along the wall, and just felt empowered. I turned toward Jes again and held onto him as my body began to push by itself! I grunted through a surge that "my body is pushing on its own!" in a semi terrified questioning voice, because it felt way too soon!
But I was reassured again, and came down and breathed deep, believing I could trust my body and my baby to continue working together.
By this point it must've been 3-320am, because every pushing surge after that was very strong and purposeful as baby boy moved down the birth canal and came to us earthside 330am, after about 3 last surges, 2 for the head and the final one for his body.
The placenta took more time to be born, and that ended up in a hospital transfer to be safe, but we had a FAST and beautiful labor and birth that I couldn't be more proud and in awe of. I have a pretty gnarly 3rd degree tear we are healing naturally at home, so ill be in bed for a while with lots of loving help and support ❤️ and other than that, am the proud, slightly shocked 😲 mama of our healthy, strong 7.3lbs and 19in long baby boy Jésus Kehaulani Manamana Remington-Flores born June 18, 2022 year of the tiger 🐅
I can't wait to experience life with this new addition to our family! and as new parents ❤️ aloha